Thursday, March 18, 2010

Getting Started on the Blog

A letter from Cherise L. Bush to Bill Myers

The below info was sent to the papers last year when they requested to do a story.
On July 11th and 12th last year (2009), in San Francisco, California, my two daughters Teshya & Teniya Alo won first place at their judo national championships tournament.

What was really significant about this tournament is that my 11 year old daughter Teshya Alo won the high school division & her own (IJF bracket which is 14-19 years old). She had challenging matches and beat an 18 year old girl (she was 10 when she first won the 14-18 year old high school national championship).

We also went to USA Wrestling's Regional Tournament (Pocatello, Idaho-June) where my daughter Teshya won the outstanding wrestler award and double crowned in Greco & Freestyle wrestling...she had 32-34 boys in her bracket and won her freestyle and Greco bracket with all pins.

The last week in June we traveled to Orem, Utah where the USA Wrestling National Championships were held. Teshya took 1st place in Greco & freestyle with a bracket of 22 boys. She is the first girl in USA Wrestling history to be double crowned and win a freestyle wrestling national championships with all boys.

She was featured on the USA Wrestling website as athlete of the week and her local newspaper did a story on her (Honolulu Advertiser). The Pocaltello, Idaho local news also featured her on the news.

Teshya and Teniya Alo are national champions in Judo, wrestling, and jiujutsu.

Teshya Alo: Total National Championship titles: 24
Teniya Alo: Total National Championship Titles: 12